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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-12 04:54:21  浏览:9327   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为了加强对进口影片的管理,根据一九八0年四月十四日中共中央、国务院、中央军委《关于制止滥放内部参考影片的通知》精神,特制订本办法.
第二条 凡属从外国及港澳地区进口发行影片或试映拷贝(包括35毫米、16亳米、超8亳米、影片录相带和影片视盘等,以下统称影片)的业务,统由中国电影发行放映公司(以下简称中影公司)经营管理.
第三条 中国电影资料馆进口的资料影片(包括中国电影资 料馆与外国电影资料馆互相选购、交换、赠送或通过其他途径购作资料的影片),属于非商业性影片,海关凭该馆填报的进口货物报关单核查免税放行.
第四条 科学技术、工业、农业、教育、卫生、新闻、外贸、外事 等单位,因业务需要进口的专业性纪录、科教影片,属于国务院系统的单位进口的,由国务院各部委(总局)审批;属于地方单位进口的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审批.
第五条 外国、港澳地区及台湾省的团体或个人运进给机关、团体、学校等单位的故事片,凡属国务院系统的单位接受的,须经文化部电影事业管理局审批;属地方单位接受的,须经省、自治区、直辖市文化局(电影局)审批,并抄送文化部电影事业管理局备案.
第六条 对外国人和华侨、港澳及台湾省同胞等邮寄或者入境随身携带属于赠给我国个人作为业务参考的科教影片,海关应准许进口,并凭接受影片的个人填报的进口货物报关单及其所在单位的证明信件核查免税放行.属于赠给我国个人的故事影片,一般地不准进口,海关予以退运.
第七条 除香港长城、凤凰、新联三公司回内地拍片,由国务院港澳办公室同有关地区和有关单位直接联系外,凡属中外或我与港澳地区及台湾省的合作制片业务,统由中国电影合作制片公司管理.合拍影片的进口,由中国电影合作制片公司向海关办理进口报关手续;其中批准在全国发行的,则由中影公司按章向北京海关办理补税手续.
第八条 对违反规定进口的或走私进口的影片,海关按有关 规定处理;对没收的影片,凡有保留参考价值的可转送文化部电影事业管理局交中国电影资料馆保存.
第九条 本办法自发布之日起施行.


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on October 13, 1981 and promulgated
by the Ministry of Culture and the General Administration of Customs)
Article 1
These Measures are formulated for tighter control over imported films in
accordance with the spirit of the Circular Concerning Checking the
Excessive Showing of Films for Restricted Information Only, which was
issued by the State Council of the People's Republic of China and the
Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China on April 14,
Article 2
The business of importing and releasing films or copies for preview
(including 35-mm, 16-mm and extra-8-mm films, films on video-tapes and
films on videodiscs, which are hereinafter generally referred to as
"films") from foreign countries and the regions of Hong Kong and Macao
shall be exclusively handled and controlled by the China National Films
Release and Projection Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the China
Films Corporation").
With respect to the import of a film, the Customs shall, on the strength
of the Customs Declaration Form for Imported Goods duly completed and
presented by the China Films Corporation, effect inspection and grant
clearance. With respect to films to be released nationwide for commercial
purposes, formalities to pay Customs duties shall be fulfilled at the time
of the import thereof. Films to be imported for noncommercial purposes
shall be exempted from Customs duties. If, upon approval, films imported
for noncommercial purposes are to be released nationwide after the import
thereof, the China Films Corporation shall, in accordance with the
relevant regulations, fulfil the formalities with the Beijing Customs for
retroactive payment of Customs duties.
Article 3
With respect to data films imported by the China Cinematheque (including
films selected and purchased from each other by, or exchanged between, or
given to each other as presents by the China Cinematheque and foreign
cinematheques and films purchased through other channels as data), if they
are imported for noncommercial purposes, the Customs shall, on the
strength of the Customs Declaration Form for Imported Goods duly completed
and presented by the China Cinematheque, effect inspection and grant
clearance without levying duties.
If, upon approval, imported data films need to be released nationwide, the
China Films Corporation shall, in accordance with the relevant
regulations, fulfil the formalities with the Beijing Customs for
retroactive payment of Customs duties.
Article 4
With respect to specialized documentaries and science and educational
films imported by units of science and technology, industry, agriculture,
education, public health, journalism, foreign trade and foreign affairs to
meet the needs in their business or professional work, if the importing
units are affiliated to departments under the State Council, the import
shall be subject to the examination and approval of the respective
ministries or commissions (or bureaus) under the State Council. If the
importing units are local ones, the import shall be subject to the
examination and approval of the people's governments of the provinces,
autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central
Government. At the time of the import of these films, the Customs shall,
on the strength of the documents of approval issued by the ministries or
commissions (or bureaus) concerned under the State Council or by the
people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions or
municipalities directly under the Central Government and of the Customs
Declaration Forms for Imported Goods duly completed and presented in
triplicate by the applying units, effect inspection and grant clearance
without levying duties and shall dispatch one copy of the said Forms
affixed with the Customs official seal to the Cinema Administrative Bureau
of the Ministry of Culture for the record.
Article 5
With respect to feature films presented to mainland institutions,
organizations, schools and other units by foreign organizations or
individuals or by those in the regions of Hong Kong and Macao or in Taiwan
Province, if the recipient units are affiliated to departments under the
State Council, the acceptance shall be subject to the examination and
approval of the Cinema Administrative Bureau of the Ministry of Culture.
If the recipient units are local ones, the acceptance shall be subject to
the examination and approval of the cultural bureaus (or cinema bureaus)
of the provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the
Central Government and shall be reported in writing to the Cinema
Administrative Bureau of the Ministry of Culture for the record. At the
time of the import of these films, the Customs shall, on the strength of
the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported Goods duly completed and
presented by the recipient units and of the relevant documents of
approval, effect inspection and grant clearance without levying duties.
The recipient units shall hand the said films over to the China
Cinematheque for unified custody. If the films have to be used to meet the
special business or professional needs, the recipient units may, on the
strength of the documents of approval issued by the higher competent
authorities, pick them up for the reference of the personnel concerned but
may not lend them out, or show them for entertainment purposes or show
them to the public. Upon completion of the reference, the films shall be
sent back to the custody of the China Cinematheque.
If, upon approval, imported feature films are to be released nationwide,
the China Films Corporation shall fulfil the formalities with the Customs
for retroactive payment of Customs duties.
Article 6
With respect to science and educational films that are sent by post by
foreigners, overseas Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and
Taiwan Province or carried in person by them when they enter China's
mainland to be given to individuals in China as presents for use as
reference materials, the Customs shall permit their import and shall, on
the strength of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported Goods duly
completed and presented by the individuals that are to accept the films
and of the letters of certification issued by the units where the said
individuals belong, effect inspection and grant clearance without levying
duties. With respect to feature films given to individuals in China as
presents, the Customs shall in general not permit their import and shall
send them back. Under special circumstances, the Ministry of Culture and
the General Administration of Customs shall study and dispose of them.
With respect to films that are carried in person by personnel of foreign
embassies (or consulates) in China, resident personnel in China sent by
foreign industrial and commercial enterprises (including resident foreign
correspondents) and foreign experts (including experts in culture and
education, economy, and science and technology) who have been recruited to
work in China (or that are sent to them by post from abroad), the Customs
shall handle them in accordance with the existing relevant provisions.
These films shall, after their import, be placed under the strict control
of the departments concerned and shall be shown only by the aforesaid
foreigners among themselves. Chinese units or individuals are not
permitted to borrow these films for projection.
Article 7
Business activities with respect to the joint production of films by China
and foreign countries and the joint production of films by China's
mainland and the regions of Hong Kong and Macao or by the mainland and
Taiwan Province shall all be subject to the administration of the China
Films Joint Production Corporation, with the exception of the business
activities of the three Hong Kong films companies of the Great Wall, the
Phoenix and the Sunlin when they come back to shoot films on the mainland,
where the Office of Hong Kong & Macao Affairs under the State Council
shall directly approach the regions and units concerned for matters in
this respect. With respect to the import of the films jointly produced,
the China Films Joint Production Corporation shall fulfil the formalities
of import Customs declaration with the Customs. If, among these films,
there are some that are to be released nationwide, the China Films
Corporation shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations, fulfil the
formalities with the Beijing Customs for retroactive payment of Customs
Article 8
Films that are imported in violation of the relevant provisions or
smuggled in shall be dealt with by the Customs in accordance with the
relevant provisions. Those among the confiscated films that are worth
keeping because of their value for reference may be passed on to the
Cinema Administrative Bureau under the Ministry of Culture, which shall
hand them over to the China Cinematheque for preservation.
Article 9
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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  第一章 总则

第一条 根据国务院《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》(以下简称《条例》第四十二条的规定,结合本省实际,制定本细则。

  第二条 凡在本省城市规划区内国有土地上,因建设需要拆迁房屋及其附属物的,必须遵守《条例》和本细则。

  第三条 省城乡建设环境保护厅主管全省城市房屋拆迁工作。


  第四条 各行署和市、县人民政府应加强对城市房屋拆迁工作的领导。城市规划、计划、公安、土地、工商行政管理等部门和街道办事处应按照各自的职责,配合房屋拆迁主管部门做好房屋拆迁管理工作。

  第二章 房屋拆迁一般规定

第五条 单位或者个人需要拆迁房屋;必须持下列文件向市、县房屋拆迁主管部门申请:




  第六条 房屋拆迁涉及土地使用权变更的,拆迁人应按规定到土地管理部门申请用地,办理土地使用权变更登记手续。

  第七条 房屋拆迁主管部门接到拆迁申请后,必须在十五日内作出审批决定。准许拆迁的,发给房屋拆迁许可证。房屋拆迁许可证文本,由省城乡建设环境保护厅统一制发。

  第八条 房屋拆迁许可证发放后,房屋拆迁主管部门应及时做好下列工作:







  第九条 拆迁范围公布以后,因出生、毕业、婚嫁、军人复转退、刑满释放、劳教期满等原因,确需迁入拆迁范围内或分户的,必须经被拆除房屋所在地县级以上人民政府批准。公安部门应将入户、分户情况及时通知拆迁人和房屋拆迁主管部门。

  第十条 房屋拆迁公告公布后,拆迁人与被拆迁人应当根据市、县人民政府规定的补偿安置标准,签订补偿安置书面协议。协议应当包括以下内容:






  第十一条 各市、县人民政府可以根据当地实际情况,制定本地区拆迁房屋补偿、安置的具体标准和临时安置补助费标准、搬家补助费标准。

  第十二条 在公布的拆迁期限届满前十日,拆迁人与被拆迁人仍未达成补偿、安置协议的,当事人可向批准拆迁的房屋拆迁主管部门申请裁决。房屋拆迁主管部门应在公布的拆迁期限内作出裁决。

  第十三条 房屋拆迁主管部门进行裁决时,必须制作裁决书。裁决书的内容应包括:






  第十四条 由当地政府统一组织拆迁的,应进行统一规划、统一拆迁、统一补偿安置。拆迁事务由取得《房屋拆迁资格证书》的单位承担。拆迁人委托拆迁的,被委托拆迁人应当是取得《房屋拆迁资格证书》的单位。被委托拆迁人接受委托拆迁后,应当与拆迁人签订委托拆迁合同。

  第十五条 在房屋拆迁公告或裁决规定的拆迁期限内,被拆迁人无正当理由拒绝拆迁的,由批准拆迁的房屋拆迁主管部门报请同级人民政府责令限期拆迁,逾期不拆迁的,由县级以上人民政府责成有关部门强制拆迁,或由房屋拆迁主管部门申请人民法院强制拆迁。有关部门实施强制拆迁时,执行人员应制作现场记录,记明强制执行过程和搬迁的财物。现场记录由执行人、被执行人和被拆除房屋所在地街道办事处派出的见证人签名。被执行人拒绝签名的,应在现场记录中注明。

  第十六条 拆迁完成后,拆迁人须持有关资料到房屋拆迁主管部门办理房屋拆迁验收手续,验收合格后,方可到规划部门领取建设工程规划许可证。

  第十七条 房屋拆迁后,原房屋的所有权人应到当地房地产管理部门办理房屋所有权注销手续。新建房屋的所有权人,应及时到房地产管理部门办理所有权登记手续。

  第十八条 下列资料由房屋拆迁主管部门收集归档:







  第三章 拆迁补偿

第十九条 拆迁补偿实行产权调换、作价补偿,或者产权调换和作价补偿相结合的形式。

  第二十条 产权调换按偿还房屋和被拆除房屋建筑面积一比一的比例计算。以新建楼房补偿平房的,补偿的面积可以适当增加,但增加部分不得超过原房屋建筑面积的百分之十。房屋建筑面积以有效产权证明记载的数据为准。

  第二十一条 作价补偿金额按照被拆除房屋的重置价格结合成新结算。

  第二十二条 以产权调换形式偿还的私有和单位自管住宅房屋,偿还建筑面积与原建筑面积相等的部分,按重置价格结算结构差价;偿还建筑面积超过原建筑面积的部分,在安置标准内的,按重置价格结算,超过安置标准的,按商品房价格结算;偿还建筑面积不足原建筑面积的部分,按重置价格结合成新结算。

  第二十三条 拆除房管部门直管住宅房,一律实行产权调换。偿还房屋提高结构质量增加的费用和在安置标准以内增加的面积,不另行补偿。

  第二十四条 拆除产权所有人不明的房屋,由房屋拆迁主管部门公告,并按本细则有关规定补偿。逾期无人请求产权的,偿还的房屋和补偿款,由房屋拆迁主管部门代管。

  第二十五条 拆除无《房屋所有权证》的房屋,不予补偿。

  第四章 拆迁安置

第二十六条 对被拆除房屋的使用人,应当根据城市规划对建设地区的要求和建设工程的性质,按照有利于实施城市规划和城市旧区改建的原则,实行原地或易地安置。拆除与人民生活密切相关的、具有区域功能的服务性、事业性单位的房屋,应统一规划,就地或就近安置。

  第二十七条 从区位好的地段迁入区位差的地段的,可适当增加安置面积,并免收增加面积的价款,增加的比例由市、县人民政府规定。

  第二十八条 设计安置用房时,应综合考虑需要安置的户数、户型、面积标准、使用功能等因素。

  第二十九条 下列被拆除房屋的使用人不予安置:




  第三十条 拆除住宅房屋,按照原使用面积安置。对按原使用面积安置确有困难的,可以在原使用面积的百分之十以内适当增加。

  第三十一条 被拆除房屋使用人自愿放弃或减少安置的,拆迁人应给予适当奖励。

  第三十二条 被拆除房屋使用人因拆迁而搬出的,由拆迁人一次性发给搬家补助费。因拆迁人的责任需再次搬迁的,追加相同标准的补助费。

  第三十三条 在规定的过渡期内,被拆除房屋使用人自行解决过渡房屋的,拆迁人应付给临时安置补助费。


  第三十四条 由拆迁人提供周转房,过渡期不超过十八个月的,不付给临时安置补助费;过渡期超过十八个月的,应按规定付给临时安置补助费;过渡期超过三十个月的,拆迁人必须采取安置措施。

  第三十五条 拆除生产、营业用房的,拆迁入应帮助其维持临时生产或经营。拆迁人确有困难的,由拆迁人按被拆迁单位职工的基本工资,付给职工生活补助费;私营企业、个体工商户按当地同类工种平均工资付给从业人员补助费。从业人数以《营业执照》记载为准。

  第五章 罚则

第三十六条 有下列行为之一的,由房屋拆迁主管部门予以警告、责令停止拆迁、限期纠正,并可对单位处一千元以上、一万元以下的罚款,对个人处一百元以上、一千元以下的罚款:




  第三十七条 未按房屋拆迁许可证规定,擅自扩大或缩小拆迁范围的,由房屋拆迁主管部门予以警告、限期纠正,可并处五百元以上、一千元以下的罚款。

  第三十八条 拆迁人无正当理由超过规定拆迁期限或擅自延长过渡期限的,由房屋拆迁主管部门予以警告,并从超过或擅自延长的期限之日起,按月处以复建房屋建筑工程预算造价千分之一的罚款。

  第三十九条 被拆迁人违反拆迁协议,逾期拒绝腾退周转房的,由房屋拆迁主管部门责令限期退还,可并处五百元以上、五千元以下的罚款。

  第四十条 房屋拆迁主管部门执行罚款时,应出具省财政部门统一印制的收据,罚款全部上缴同级财政。

  第四十一条 违反本细则规定,应当给予治安管理处罚的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

  第六章 附则

第四十二条 外商投资成片经营开发土地的拆迁问题另行规定。

  第四十三条 本细则由省城乡建设环境保护厅负责解释。

  第四十四条 本细则自发布之日起施行。








(市建委 2007年7月)

  第一条 为加强建筑节能管理,促进建筑节能产品的推广应用,推动建筑节能科技进步,提高能源利用效率,降低建筑物能源消耗,根据《中华人民共和国节约能源法》、建设部《民用建筑节能管理规定》和《南京市建筑节能与墙体材料革新管理办法》等法律法规,制定本办法。

  第二条 南京行政区域内新建、改建、扩建民用建筑、节能改造的既有建筑、外墙和屋面保温系统、门窗体系、遮阳产品,其节能效果的性能评估适用本办法。

  第三条 本办法所称的民用建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估,是指根据现行的国家和地方相关技术标准、导则和政策文件,对民用建筑及配套节能产品按一定程序进行技术评审和确认,并获得评估证书和标识以证明该建筑或配套节能产品的节能性能等级。

  第四条 南京市建设委员会负责指导和管理全市的民用建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估工作。


  第五条 建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估的内容主要包括热环境指标分析、用能降耗分析、经济效益分析、耐久性能分析。节能性能评估实行评分制,具体评分根据《南京市民用建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估实施导则》执行,评估结果按评分数值递增顺序将节能性能依次划分为A、AA和AAA三个级别。

  第六条 申请建筑节能性能评估应具备如下条件:建设单位具备相应的建设管理能力,房地产开发单位经资质审查合格,有资质审批部门颁发的资质等级证书;产品项目建设符合国家和地方的法律、法规和技术、标准。


  第七条 建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估遵循科学评定,注重实效、政府引导,企业自愿的原则。

  第八条 建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估鼓励研发和推广建筑节能新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,鼓励利用可再生能源,限制或者禁止使用能耗高的技术、设备、材料和产品。

  第九条 建筑及配套节能产品节能性能评估由市墙改节能办组织相关技术专家组成评审组开展技术审查和等级划分,评审组专家名单从节能性能评审专家库中选取。评审专家库实行定期更新管理,库中专家应具备如下条件:





  第十条 建设单位申请建筑节能性能评估时,应提供建筑节能检测机构出具的建筑节能性能现场测试或检验报告。生产企业申请配套节能产品节能性能评估时,应提供产品检测机构出具的有关产品有效期内型式检验报告。建筑及配套节能产品节能性能检测工作由取得法定检测资质的检测机构承担。

  第十一条 民用建筑项目的节能性能评估工作可在项目施工图设计审查通过后申请评估,并在项目竣工验收后进行评审,分为申请、检查、评审和公布四个阶段,具体程序如下:









  第十二条 通过节能性能评估的建筑项目或配套节能产品由市墙改节能办颁发相应等级的评估证书和标识。节能性能评估证书和标识由市墙改节能办统一制作和管理。配套节能产品评估证书有效期为一年。

  第十三条 以假冒手段或其他不正当手段取得评估结果的,一经查出,市墙改节能办收回评估证书和标识并予以公布。未取得评审结果而擅自以A级建筑或配套建筑产品名义宣传的,追究相关单位的责任。

  第十四条 取得建筑节能性能评估的项目,应全额返退新型墙体材料专项基金。对使用未标识配套节能产品的建筑项目,不能参加建筑节能性能评估。取得AA或AAA级别的项目,如建设方为房地产开发企业,则可作为开发企业良好开发业绩载入开发企业信用档案,项目可由南京市建设委员会推荐参加有关方面组织的国家、省、市等各级各类示范、评优活动。

  第十五条 本办法自发布之日起施行。

  第十六条 本办法由南京市建设委员会负责解释。
